Support a Weak Immune System

Biotoxic Illness

Biotoxicity is the buildup of biological toxins in the body. A toxin is a foreign invader in your body that causes a chemical reaction that causes severe inflammation within your body. Biotoxic illness affects about 25% of people. This makes it more common than the percentage of people that will develop the flu, on average, each year. The toxins that create a high level of Biotoxicity in the human body can come from insects, heavy metals, preservatives, parasites, algae, and most commonly, mold. It is not the toxic substance, it is how well your body can handle and detoxify this stressor.


Biotoxic Illness often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. However, biotoxicity detoxification is a process that often responds well to nutritional and therapeutic support. This issue with biotoxic illness is not the toxin or invader, but the way your immune system is handling it.

Common Symptoms of Biotoxic Illness

  • Sensitivity

  • Auto-Immune disease

  • Cough

  • Numbness/Tingling

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Muscle Aches/Cramps

  • Night Sweats

  • Appetite Swings

  • Fatigue

  • Depression

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • Brain Fog

  • Memory Impairment

  • Joint Pain

Support the Body, Not Treat the Illness

A detailed case history, physical exam, genomic reports, and lab studies can help determine if your system would benefit from nutritional support plan. Please call us for a consultation if you feel your system needs overall support to handle this type of stress.